February Clarity
In January I cleared my desk of papers and in February I filed and cleaned a number of things. I also watched Marie Kondo on Netflix like many other people. “Does this item bring you joy?” is her mantra-question for her clients. Curious, I tried her technique in my clothes closet and I have to say it worked – I was able to sort and decide what to keep with clarity and to see how many items would be better off in the hands of other people. So what does this mean for the rest of my life as an artist? I’m glad you thought that question along with me. There is a flow and a right feeling in doing things whether they are in the studio or here at my computer typing. When that is not my feeling what do I notice. Am I hearing “Should, should, should!” ? Am I distracted or angry or hungry or …? Listening to those little brain-memos was helpful in letting them rest and getting back on task or ditching the task for a new focus without a lot of doubt and fuss. Nice – Clarity!
February news:
The Iowa Quilt Museum is hosting a reception to “Meet the Artists” of the Iowa Art Quilt Group whose show is on display now. The reception is Saturday, February 9, from 5-7 PM. Here is the museum link for directions and hour of operation. http://iowaquiltmuseum.org/
You will be able to beat the winter blues by seeing it now and then go again when the snow has melted because the work will be on display until April 14. (the day before Tax Day!) On exhibit are self-portraits and an example of early work and some recent work for each member of the group. Viewers can meet the artists by their work at the opening but still feel like you know the artists’ individuality by seeing their work any other day because of the way the work is arranged.
I will be in South Sudan with a group from the Episcopal Diocese of Iowa from the 10th to the 20th of February. My invitation is to teach sewing to other women there in The Mothers Union. I am full of shots, loaded with official papers and my suitcases are packed. Hopefully an airplane pillow, a murder mystery on tape, and puzzle books will help me wile away the airplane hours. Plus, who knows who I will meet along the way? Eat your heart out Iowa, I am off to 70-90 degree temps and humidity! Alleluia!