January 2021 Today is just the same as yesterday, only different. Like you, I have a series of habits and routines that evaporated. I have lived into some different patterns over the last year. I am much more computer fluent and tolerant. I am grateful for all the time I am not driving or riding in a car. I miss …
October 15 by 15
What is happing right now! Opening in October is the Central Iowa Textile Artists (CITA) Group Show at The Ankeny Art Center. The Artist Reception is Thursday, October 3 from 5-7 PM. The show will be on view through November 27th. The gallery is open M-F 9am-1pm, Th 4pm-7pm, and Sat 9am-12 noon. Here is the gallery link for more …
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August 15 by 15
Iowa State Fair and the biggest Pumpkin Every time I go to the Iowa State Fair I look at the schedule and figure out different things to see and do and eat. But there are also things I repeat every year because they are touchstones for me – they anchor all the variables that color the day. One such …
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July 15 by 15
Current Jelly – that’s the picture I am sharing with you. I was gifted 20 pounds of currants and I made 12 jars of jelly. Every inch of my counter was covered with something while I moved around with my largest pots to process the fruit and the jars. I made several mistakes this year and had big messes to …
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February 15 by 15
February Clarity In January I cleared my desk of papers and in February I filed and cleaned a number of things. I also watched Marie Kondo on Netflix like many other people. “Does this item bring you joy?” is her mantra-question for her clients. Curious, I tried her technique in my clothes closet and I have to say it worked – I was …
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October 15 by 15
Get Out Your Calendars and Pencils! My work titled “Corn Rows” was awarded 3rd Place in the 2018 Agriculture Art Exhibition in the State Historical Museum of Iowa. Here is the link to the press release about the winners. https://iowaculture.gov/about-us/news-and-media/press-releases/agriculture-art-exhibition-winners-announced The exhibition is on the 3rd Floor in Café Barattas, which is a great place for lunch The museum is at 600 …
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September 15 by 15
Okay, I could not miss the chance to post a crazy picture from my visit to the Iowa State Fair in August. I remember sketching pumpkins in art school but this honey is just a wee bit bigger. I don’t think I have a sketch pad big enough to draw this baby! Now for what you can cheer from your …
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