Yes, it is of course January and the new year and my birthday both of which are good reason to pause and be introspective. Today introspection, next week studio news. Two messages this month!
Last week I met someone at yoga class who was downright perky about resolutions. She has been making them and posting them on her refrigerator since she was 15. Zowie!! That’s impressive right there. Well, I have never thought of them as fun and mostly I think of them as a lead in to failure and dismal self-berating so I have avoided trying to resolve anything to make me better in a new year. But what if I did like resolutions? What is it I could possibly like?
What if I recognized the activities appearing year after year might actually signal satisfaction in living 24 hours each day in intuitively the best possible way. How about I continue to play to my strengths?
Okay…here’s to crying more, laughing harder and singing to myself in the car or wherever. Here’s to saying, “Yes!” and thinking,” Oh, crap!” more. Here’s to struggling more with knowing how to proceed next. Here’s to calling more people on the phone and here’s to practicing un-stinginess with my materials as well as rooting for whoever might eventually beat the Louisville Women’s basketball team e.g. South Carolina or UConn.
“More is more.” Says, the Meryl Streep character in the movie One True Thing. I have always been drawn to the abundance in that phrase and I would like to feel and be that MORE thing more. That alone is my marvelous, wild ambition because it is bigger than my body and my heart and mind.