Face Book Experiment

Abigail LivingoodInspiration, Meanderings

I was inspired by something I read in the paper today.

In Monday’s Wall Street Journal (April 29) there was  an article by Barbara Haislip about start-up entrepreneurs taking an Inprov Comedy Class for a business boost. So I looked at the same lessons and wondered how they do and how they could apply to me in my art-making. I started today with a Cornstalk Studio post and will add 5 lessons over the next 5 days.  I also found some old pictures from different way-back-moments, that made me smile, to include with the posts.
Have any of you taken an Improv Comedy Class? How could Improv lessons add to your work?  Here is the Face Book link to the Cornstalk Studio page  https://www.facebook.com/cornstalkstudio/

No I am not drinking some “strange” water here.

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