Time to wear the beaded Indian Corn necklace! There is snow on the ground, enough that I had to shovel and use the snow thrower, but I am still in mind that it is fall – I am wearing my Indian Corn necklace! There is so much seasonal overlapping outdoors with bushes and trees still leafed and the melted foliage …
Face Book Experiment
I was inspired by something I read in the paper today. In Monday’s Wall Street Journal (April 29) there was an article by Barbara Haislip about start-up entrepreneurs taking an Inprov Comedy Class for a business boost. So I looked at the same lessons and wondered how they do and how they could apply to me in my art-making. I …
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May 15 by 15
Kvetching–NOT Monday, May 14, I will be highlighted on a wonderful project created and sustained by the University of Iowa called “the Daily Palette”. Here is the link for their website http://dailypalette.uiowa.edu/ Now that is not what Kvetching refers to for sure – no, recently I was talking with a friend and I found myself yacking on about my frustration with something …
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January 15 by 15
Yes, it is of course January and the new year and my birthday both of which are good reason to pause and be introspective. Today introspection, next week studio news. Two messages this month! Last week I met someone at yoga class who was downright perky about resolutions. She has been making them and posting them on her refrigerator since she …
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